与拉伸试验机和材料本身有关的因素:不同的拉伸试验机对不同的材料进行拉伸试验,但是用户根据材料的不同选择的试验机型号也不同。 以下是材料对拉伸机的影响:材料化学成分,妖精视频APP黄色下载组织,晶粒大小以及是否存在冶金缺陷,例如裂纹,炉渣夹杂物,偏析,白点和非金属夹杂物等超出标准,或者 热处理过程中产生的缺陷会影响样品制造商的性能。 ,这是拉伸试验机被广泛使用的地方,这也使得...
According to the factors that affect the accuracy of the Charpy impact test results, from the material itself, the cutting and preparation of the sample, the analysis of the shape and size of the sample, the requirements for the impact test machine, and the temperature...
Through the standardization of the test methods, various factors that affect the results of the Charpy impact test are limited, and the test results are only accurate...
If the original article is reproduced, please indicate the source, this article was first published on the tensile testing machine...